Leaders Briefing Notes – From Alan Fish

  • A message from the new NT District chair
    Hi NT Scouts Earlier in the week, Alan contacted me to let me know he would be expecting a speech from me at the AGM on Wednesday, I prepared one. However, the football was calling and Harry efficiently swerved it on my behalf, declaring  I had a sore throat, however as I had written it,…

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  • Alan’s Briefing 12/7/24
    Hi Leaders and Supporters, Well has summer finished? as we are back to rain? Shop News. Do you remember last week’s burst of plasterers, well it didn’t happen this week as they only turned up one day Tuesday 10.30 to 3.00. A !new company! of plasterers turned up todayFriday as the builders’ plasterers didn’t turn up Wednesday or Thursday….

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  • Alan’s Briefing 5/7/24
    Hi Leaders and Supporters, Sun is shining, that’s a good sign for Scout for outdoor activities, but remember you need to contact DC Andy to take your Scouts outside. You need his permission, and a load of risk assessments and permits. Shop News. Well after the burst of plaster borders all the week before last none…

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  • Alan’s Briefing 28/6/24
    Shop News. Well we have had a good week. Some builders have been every day this week, putting plasterboard up and the scaffolding has gone. You can now see the shop at long last. Yellow Card 20. Do Not join in physical contact games with children and young people. Easy one is this, but it…

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  • Alan’s Briefing 14/6/24
    Hi Leaders and Supporters Shop News. Well there isn’t any as nothing has happened, other than me complaining to the bosses and another 2 weeks lost. Yellow card 18. Do not trivialise concerns or abuse. Trivialise means, downplay, minimise, understate, to make something seem less important than it really is, eg a pinch on the bum.  If you…

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