Hi Leaders and Supporters,

Well the plannings (old tarmac) have started to arrive but sadly the Community Payback team can’t now come to spread it around the carpark so now I am now trying to find another team. The Camp Warden’s job has gotten a lot harder unless you could help with your wheelbarrow and shovel or just you to help.
Do any of you have a mate or know someone who empties portable site toilets to empty ours when we get one at FireCamp. As it is too complicated for us to use the AFM (Alan Fish Method) tip it into a bucket and tip it down a manhole, you need loads of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and training plus a suction pump lorry and somewhere to dump the poo.
Remembrance parade in Droylsden on 13/11/22 10.30 Church St to Droylsden Cemetery
Thanks to everyone who has helped all those to complete their training as now everyone in the best district NT have now done their mandatory Safety and Safeguarding, but don’t forget you all have to keep up with all your training as we have to keep all our little girls and boys safe, and the big ones as well. Otherwise Andy DC gets loads of forms to fill in.

A bit more of my shop has fallen down and had to get more prop structural engineers to hold it up, costing £2277.34. The Police have not identified a driver yet, and even worse Arch Insurance has still not accepted the claim after 7 weeks!!!
Don’t forget our SASSY (Support Active Scouting Socially for Yonks) Celebration of Volunteers, for you and your family, and Recruitment Evening, for your friends or anyone who may be interested in joining our great Leaders and Supporters team. Come along with them to Hurst Community Centre 7.00pm Sat 26/11/22, free butties and not free but cheap bar open.
9/11/22 GSL’s and ADC’s meeting.
16/11/22 19.00 Dist Ex at 2C
16/11/22 20.30 SASSY meal somewhere
Lots of info from Tameside below
Yours Alan
From: Cllr Gerald P Cooney, Executive Leader Tameside Council
Date: 28 October 2022
Stronger enforcement powers for Ashton Town Centre
Executive Cabinet agreed on Wednesday to put a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) in place in Ashton Town Centre, after the proposal received overwhelming support in our recent public consultation. The order will build on our existing work with the police and provide stronger enforcement powers to help address concerns about crime and antisocial behaviour in the town centre and make the area safer for residents, businesses and visitors. Under the order the following activities are now banned:
- Consumption of alcohol.
- Consumption of intoxicating substances.
- Discarding a hypodermic needle or syringe.
- Urinating or defecating outside of a legitimate toilet facility.
- Other activities believed to pose a health and safety risk, including obstructing public spaces and erecting tents or other temporary structures.
Failure to comply with the order without reasonable excuse, could lead to offenders receiving a fixed penalty notice or a fine of up to £1000.
Plans for Ashton’s Market Square approved for public consultation
Proposals for the first phase in the redevelopment of Ashton’s Market Square and Outdoor Market were approved at Executive Cabinet meeting on Wednesday. The draft proposals, which will go out for public consultation at the start of November, will utilise £10.8m of the £19.87m Levelling Up Fund awarded by Government and form part of the wider Ashton Public Realm Strategy. This is the final phase of Vision Tameside to transform the town centre, enhancing the site as a visitor destination and helping to unlock its full potential for business, retail and leisure.
Working together to keep Tameside tidy It was great to see staff from Hyde-based Outdoor and Sports Company Ltd hold a litter picking day to support our drive to keep Tameside Tidy. The community-minded company collected rubbish along the Trans Pennine Trail, behind their offices on Dawson Street, and are now looking to make it a regular event. Organisers borrowed equipment from one of our Litter Hubs at Aqua Nurture. A handy chart has been created listing the Litter Hub venues, the times they’re open and the facilities and activities available. It’s wonderful that businesses and the community are coming together to help make Tameside a better place for everyone and shows that the Our Streets campaign is inspiring people to get involved.
Hack event success
Tameside’s Hack, a free two-day digital event for 11 to 18 year olds took place this week and was a great success with more young people attending the event than ever before to take up the coding challenges and learn new skills whilst having fun. The event gives young people a fantastic opportunity to find out more about bespoke career opportunities, and link up with mentors, make friends and just join in and showcase and develop their digital skills.
A massive thank you to the Employment and Skills Team for all their hard work putting the event together, to the brilliant mentors who supported on the day and all the sponsors who helped set the challenge and donated an array of prizes.
£1.89m bid submitted to support emerging businesses
We have submitted a £1.89m bid to UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) for SME (Small to Medium-sized Enterprise with fewer than 500 employees) Workspace with the aim of providing additional business support as well as modern and sustainable growth space for emerging businesses across the borough. The submission of the bid was approved by Executive Cabinet Members on Wednesday and if successful will help provide some relief to council budgets while providing support to emerging businesses.
The bid includes the creation of new town centre (SME) workspace, building improvements to Ashton Old Baths to increase sustainability and to provide flexible working spaces and staff to manage the newly created space and work with new businesses in Tameside.
Alder School first aid heroes
It was heart-warming to hear about the four Tameside teenagers who rushed to the rescue of a man they found unconscious. Alder Community High School pupils Jake Cookson, Logan Fuller, Sam Willerton and James Leader showed the importance of first aid training when they helped Andy Jones after he had suffered a seizure and collapsed while walking his dog in Hyde. Two of the boys placed Andy in the recovery position and provided first aid while the other two called an ambulance and directed paramedics to the casualty. The Year 10 pupils were reunited with Andy at a special meeting where they were praised by their proud headteacher Richard O’Regan and our Executive Member for Education, Councillor Leanne Feeley. Well done to the boys for their quick-thinking and calmness and it just goes to show the value of learning first aid.

Care leavers house project A new scheme has been launched in Tameside to enable our young care leavers to turn a house into a home and develop the skills they need to live independently. ‘The House Project’ is a life-changing nationwide initiative that brings together groups of young care leavers, to support them in developing life skills from property maintenance to cooking and financial management and provides them with a property to renovate – which then becomes their home. Well done and thank you to everyone involved in launching this project, which I’m sure will be of huge benefit to our care leavers

Family HubsFamily Hubs are to be established in Tameside to bring together more accessible and better connected children’s services. The Department for Education has awarded the Council £3,295,000 over three years to work with partners to establish them across the area and this week, Cabinet approved a report setting out how the hubs will be developed. They bring existing family-help services together to improve access and connections between families, professionals, services, and providers, as well as putting relationships at the heart of family help. A Tameside Family Hubs Steering Group has been established to provide action-focused leadership and oversight. And a scoping exercise is underway to identify buildings available across the borough, while a public consultation is intended to inform and formalise proposals. Family Hubs align with our priorities of supporting the most vulnerable families in our community and giving our children the very best start in life
Hattersley Helping Hand Success
Wednesday’s Helping Hand Winter Warmer Event once again saw a wide range of our services, local charities and organisations come together to support residents with cost of living advice, making sure they are receiving the support that is available to them. This time we were joined by Onward’s income, neighbourhood, work and skills and Social investment team. We look forward to future events taking place around Tameside, ensuring everyone is aware and has access to local support services.
Community hub making a difference
I visited the Grafton Centre on Monday, joined by Cllrs Philip Fitzpatrick and Jacqueline Owen, to find out how the volunteer-led community hub is making a difference in improving local people’s lives with an expansive range of weekly activities and a community café. You can find out more about what’s on offer here.
Enjoy your weekend.
Councillor Gerald P. Cooney
Executive Leader