The Tameside Briefing has not turned up today, what’s all that cheering I can hear, so it’s just me for now, I hope I can’t hear as much cheering.

Bad news Community Payback are not now coming till the new year, bit of good news a few of us did shift one and a half piles last weekend see picture below Colin and Sam thanks, and special thanks must goto 3 outsiders, Colin Chadwick from Friends of King George Fifth Playing Fields (FoKGVPF are having a litter pick on Sunday from 9.30 till lunch so if you are not parading call in and help to keep our park clean). For more info go to as they have lent us 3 wheel barrows and 6 spades, and Vannessa Rothwell Tameside with her Cub son. This weekend Sat 12/11/22 from 10.00 I will be there, I have all the wages in my site cabin. (tea bags etc) A bit more news we have a Portaloo, I have to pick it up from Burscough near Ormskirk so you will be able to uncross your legs on the FireCamp site, that must be worth another cheer.

As you must know I am a OMNIT (Old Man No Info Tech)  the District needs a District IT man the role, I think, is to supply ntemails to people who haven’t got one and help anyone with problems. I will try not to ring you every week with my IT problems. So while you are looking for more leaders add an IT person to your list plus a District Chair, Secretary and Treasurer, let me know and I tell them about the 2 hours a week and wages.

  So I guess the Tameside Briefing will be later sometime I will forward it onto you when I get it.