Hi Leaders and Supporters,
The big change over in ntemails happened last weekend so if your ntemail stopped working you need to contact neil.duncalf@ntscouts.org.uk our SASIT to get a new password. Those not on ntemails will still get scout information from me if relevant to your role.
Shop news, as usual not much happening as the corner bricks made for the front door wall are not the correct angle so re-build stopped again.
Community Champions news. Lantern making sessions for the Tameside Christmas Lantern Parade on 18/11/23 through Ashton. Sessions are on various dates for our young people in Scouts. See https://www.intameside.co.uk/whats-on/lantern-making-sessions-as-part-of-ashton-s-winter-carnival-parade Take your kids along to make the lanterns.
Once again it’s Friday’s on the Square night tonight 3/11/23 4.00 to 8.00pm Shows, activities, lantern making, food and drink you may need your waterproofs. More info at www.intameside.co.uk/fridaysonthesquare The last one is on 1/12/23 hopefully if the feedback is good as it is a great event they may carry on in 2024.
Remembrance Parades 12/11/23. Ashton. 9.15am Market St to Ashton Parish Church 10.45 Ashton War Memorial, Hurst. 9.30am St Johns Church 11.00 Hurst Cemetery. Droylsden. 10.00am St Marys Church 10.45 War Memorial. Waterloo. 2.15pm Cannon Burrows School 2.30 War Memorial.
3/11/23 4.00 to 8.00 Friday on the Square
5/11/23 I guess there are a load of bonfires, just look for the flames or listen for the bangs and flashes of the rockets. Be safe out there.
7/11/23 7.00 to 8.00 Neighbourhood Watch in and around King Georges.
10/11/23 12.00 to 4.00 Scarecrow Festival 12th OL6 9HY contact tina.howarth.ntscouts.org.uk
11/11/23 11/00 to 3.00 Same
12/11/23 Various Rememberance Parades.
14/11/23 7.00 to 8.00 RPC Litter picking and pool in King Georges.
18/11/23 9.30 to 1.00pm Scout and Explorer Cooking Comp at 2/1.
18/11/23 4.00 to 6.00pm Lantern Parade Ashton.
18/11/23 6.00 to 7.00pm Father Christmas Ashton lights switch on.
Leaders Briefing following hopefully soon. This months Tamesider is out today check you got yours, if not contact ken.marks@ntscouts.org.uk editor.–
Yours Alan,
Alan Fish. DAFT Volunteer.
(District Advisor For Tameside)
Mobile 07931765120 Office 0161 339 5901