Hi Leaders and Supporters

You will have had an email about getting your training upto date by 25/10/22 from our County Commissioner Steve, if you haven’t you are ok. Sadly if you have and don’t complete the training you will be leaving Scouting. There have been many emails about this, you may not have received it because you are not using a ntemail address.

Nat and Mark have been updating our www.ntscouts.org.uk log in and have a look at it. We need to get the calendar kept updated, the DC and ADC’s have access to the calendar so let them know of any dates you have for events. The website will also be linked to facebook, don’t ask me any technical questions but if you don’t want to put in your contact details on the website or facebook just use mine alan.fish@ntscouts.org.uk 07931765120.

The Climbing Wall will be available through the rain and snow, but not through lightning storms or blizzards just contact me to book it for your section in, on the wall.

The Volunteer Celebration and Recruitment Event is booked with the butties, cakes and bar, for my thanks to you all for the great work, large or small, you do for our young people in Scouting. So thanks and I will see you and any new recruits that you bring on the 26//11/22 7.00pm start. Let me know how many if you can, it will be like another SASSY do (Support Active Scouting Socially for Yonks {a long time} )

If you get this twice let me know so I can take you off the non ntemail list.

Yours Alan.

Below is all the Tameside info and it is Stalybridge Fest tonight see last item.        

Helping Hand: Cost of Living Support

We are pleased to be partnering with Onward Homes for the next Cost of Living Support Event: Helping Hand Winter Warmer, this month as we begin our tour of the borough in Hattersley. This event will provide support right in the heart of the local community, allowing face-to-face access with services who can help with a range of  issues and challenges the cost of living crisis is presenting for our residents.

Onward with be providing hot food at the event for those attending. They are also accepting donations of good quality winter coats, boots and blankets for adults and children that could be handed out on the night. Please contact Samantha.Powers@onward.co.uk for more information on how to make a donation.

The event is taking place on the 26 October, 3pm-6:30pm at St Barnabas Meeting Point Hattersley Road East Hattersley SK14 3EQ.

If your service or organisation would like to hold a stall which would benefit residents with face-to-face advice and support, please contact communications@tameside.gov.uk

Attached is the below graphic which you can share through your channels and networks to help promote the event. Please do share and encourage people to drop in.  

Warm Welcome Hubs

As the colder weather sets in and energy bills are rising, we are reminding residents that our libraries are warm and welcoming spaces that can be accessed for free.

Please let people know that our libraries offer so much more beyond books. They provide a warm, safe and welcoming space for everyone. We have eight welcoming libraries across Tameside with soft seating, free-wifi, and computer facilities. They are the perfect warm space to spend time reading, relaxing or you can speak to our friendly library staff for a range of advice and support available.

To find staffed library opening times and more Warm Welcome Hub info please visit www.tameside.gov.uk/helpinghand/warm-welcome-hub

We are looking to list all Warm Welcome Hubs available across the borough and so do encourage any local Tameside businesses, community groups or organisations to get in touch with communications@tameside.gov.uk and we can list their venue.

The Tameside Winter pressures funding is also available to the Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise sector to help provide real community based support for those in need. More information and the application form is available here. Applications for the first round of funding close on 20 October.

Helping to protect Tameside children from exploitation

We’re supporting Greater Manchester’s month of action against child exploitation. Child Exploitation is a type of abuse. When a child or young person is exploited they’re groomed by being given things, like gifts, drugs, money, status and affection. This is usually in exchange for carrying out a criminal activity, known as Child Criminal Exploitation or performing sexual activities, known as Child Sexual Exploitation.

As part of a package of activities taking place next week in Tameside to help raise awareness, there will be free online awareness briefings for parents and carers as well as professionals – such as teachers, social workers and health workers.  You can book on as follows:

Sessions for Parents

1.     Tameside Parents/Carers – Drug and Alcohol Awareness Briefing – https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/421413347667

2.     Tameside Parents/Carers – Exploitation CSE/CCE Awareness Briefing- https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/421413247367

Session for Professionals

CCE / CSE – Exploitation and the links to Young Person’s Substance Use – https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/421338533897

Attached is the below graphic you can share through your channels and networks.

Baby Loss Awareness Week

I was moved this week when reading about the generosity of a local stonemason who donated an engraved headstone after seeing the tragic situation that faced a local family over the years.

Lilian Thorpe, 86 from Stalybridge, gave birth to a stillborn baby boy in 1961 but never had the chance to see or hold him before he was taken away. In May, Lilian’s story was on BBC North West Tonight, after we helped Lilian by searching our records of historic stillbirths, resulting in finding her baby buried in Hyde Cemetery and showing Lilian the grave of her son. Tameside-based BA Hodcroft Memorial Masons, like everyone else, were extremely moved to see Lilian find her baby’s resting place after 61 years and were able to provide a touching and lasting memorial for her.

If you’re aware of anyone who needs to find their baby’s resting place in Tameside, they can contact the team on CemeteriesandCrematorium@tameside.gov.uk or call 0161 342 4461.

Woman fined for littering

As part of our ongoing #OurStreets campaign, we continue to take robust action against people who litter and flytip. I’m pleased to say we had another successful prosecution last week where a woman was fined £80 and ordered to pay £490 costs by Tameside magistrates after she failed to pay a fixed penalty notice for littering.

The court heard that our enforcement officers traced a bag of household waste, found dumped on Huddersfield Road in Stalybridge on 8 February 2022, to the woman from Mossley.  She was offered the opportunity to pay a £80 Fixed Penalty Notice but ignored numerous opportunities to pay the fine so prosecution proceedings were launched. The defendant pleaded guilty to the court for littering. Our enforcement officers do a fantastic job investigating cases and leave no stone unturned in finding evidence and taking action against offenders.

An Edwardian Walk in Stamford Park

This week I had the pleasure of joining Civic Mayor, Cllr Mike Glover for the launch our ‘Then and Now’ – Edwardian Walk in Stamford Park.

The route was created by Community Champion Ken Morris who led a guided walk around 8 display boards featuring postcards as it was then to photographs now with informative historical notes.  The walk is accompanied by a booklet explaining the Parks origins and development through detailed maps and images.  For children, an activity sheet is available which follows the route to provide some fun as well as education.

The walk was well received by the attendees and is a great addition to our already fantastic park. Booklets of the walk are available at the Highfield Pavilion, Stamford Park and Tameside Libraries and can also be downloaded at Short Town Walks (tameside.gov.uk) as can many of Tameside’s great walks.

Highlighting a mental health message of hope

We also had a fantastic turn out for our Walk of Hope at Stamford Park on Monday for World Mental Health Day. The event, organised by our population health team working with partners The Antony Seddon Fund, Tameside Oldham & Glossop MIND, Bridges domestic abuse service and The Power of Resilience CIC, included stalls and information stands signposting to local services to support mental health and wellbeing. Inspiring messages of hope about how local people look after their own mental health and wellbeing were also on display. The event finished with a scenic walk around Stamford Park at sunset – highlighting how exercising outdoors and talking to others can both boost mental health and wellbeing.

For those who couldn’t make it, you can still do something really positive to support the mental health awareness message by taking the Zero Suicide Alliance free Suicide Awareness Training. It only takes 20 minutes but could make a difference in successfully supporting someone who needs help.

Bats star in half-term activities

With the nights drawing in, it seems only right that the most famous of nocturnal creatures, the bat, has a starring role in this year’s half-term activities (24-28 October).

On 26 October,children can get “Batty about Bats” in a free drop-in at Stalybridge Civic Hall or join in a family autumnal walk to discover urban bats.

No school holiday would be complete without family theatre, and on 24 October, as part of Town of Culture, there will be two performances of “When another Dragon Roars” at Stalybridge Civic Hall.

Throughout the week, libraries will be hosting drop-in activities based on Diwali, the Hindu festival of lights, for four to 11-year-olds. These include crafts, games and a treasure hunt.

Portland Basin Museum will be hosting Make, Do and Play sessions on the Tuesday and Thursday at a cost of £1.25 per child. There’s a self-led craft table at the Astley Cheetham Gallery.

The HACK is back

Tameside’s Hack, a free two-day, fun digital event  for 11 to 18 year olds is making a comeback this October half term, and promises to be bigger and better than ever. With bespoke career opportunities on offer for the winning teams and even more spaces available for young people to join in and showcase their digital skills.

HACK8 is designed to test and develop skills through a series of coding challenges set by business sponsors who provide expert staff to mentor and judge, as well as donating prizes and adding their expertise to boost knowledge (and refreshments!). Young people can attend individually or as a team or they can form one on the day with new friends.

The event will be held at Tameside College ICT Department, Tameside One Campus in Ashton, on Thursday October 26 and Friday 27, from 9.30am to 4pm.

This year’s headline sponsors and Challenge Setters are Nequinox Studios. Their team expertly deliver award-winning, world-class AAA games. Other sponsors include IN4 Group, Phoenix Software, Brother, Rio Ferdinand Konica Minolta, Foundation, Barclays EagleLabs, Visual Architects and Graze Manchester.

A massive thank you to all the fantastic sponsors and to Tameside Council’s Economy, Employment and Skills team who make the event possible. Free places can be booked online or by emailing: coders@tameside.gov.uk

Autumnal Street Fest

And finally, this evening as well as live music and the usual array of delicious food and drink, the next Town of Culture Street Fest will be serving up a trio of family-friendly autumnal activities.

Seed to Feed lets you pot and grow your own chilli plant. You can learn how to sew your own seasonal pumpkin. Or how about getting your hands dirty with a slime-making workshop?

As usual, all the highly popular food and drink stalls will be set out around Armentieres Square on the banks of the Huddersfield Canal in the heart of Stalybridge’s historic town centre.

“Autumn Tales” – the next Stalybridge Town of Culture Street Fest – takes place this evening  Friday, 14 October (5 to 9pm). For more information visitwww.intameside.co.uk

Have a good weekend.


Councillor Gerald P. Cooney

Executive Leader