Mins of Dist Ex   18/1/23  7.00pm SASSY meal afterwards approx 8.00pm

1. Present.

a. Alan, Neil, Harry, Andy, Noreen, Tracey.

2. Appols.

a. Wyn, Derek, Alex.

3. Last mins.


4. Matters arising will also come up in sections.

6c. Alan wrote to Barclays complaints 20/11/22 and received a responce 9/1/23 saying will get an answer 18/1/22 today but rot received anything. Alan has pinsentry and  but no auth card a debit card which we can’t have on our dual sig a/cs, Noreen has a pinsentry and auth card and a debit card, Ken has pinsentry, no auth card but has 2 debit cards, Andy has contacted bank for his pinsentry and auth card, but has nothing, he will try again tomorrow. Alan will chase it up as should have had reply today 18/1/23.

5b. Great recruitment night and buffet but sadly no recruits.

 5. Chair Alan. Retiring.

a. We are still looking for an Assistant Chair, Secretary, Assistant Treasurer, Local Training Manager, Alex is looking for a District Network Scout Commissioner for the Dist Ex. WE are always looking for Leaders and Supporters for all our groups.

b. We are using our www.ntscouts.org.uk and facebook sites for all news and events on the calendar contact mark.fish@ntscouts.org.uk

6. Treas Noreen. Retiring.

a. Balance standing at £9996.03 in the various a/cs.

b. Wyn is paying various a/cs as we don’t have internet banking Noreen has paid Wyn 2 cheques for £1052.50 and £1681.21 for various Scout a/c’s and they will be reconciled when a/cs are online again.

c. Need to find out what 2 payments are £346.82 12/5 is badge money and £400 5/10 the climbing wall. When making payments to district a/cs please mark what it is.

d. Once the a/c’s are sorted the signatures will have a sub meeting to move monies into correct a/cs. When making payments to district a/cs please mark what it is.  

7. Sec ?Need a DS (District Secretary) 

a. Apply to Alan, job description, meet every 2 months, write the mins, email them out within a week, email them out again a week before the next meeting. Conditions, 4hrs per 2 months, holidays when you want as long as they are not on a meeting nights, free cups of tea plus cake or biscuits sometimes, wages twice the price of mine.

8. Sections.

AC Ken M.

a. No report,

b. Appoitments day went well.

c. Newies attending should have completed their Getting Started Training www.gmescouts.org.uk/training1 

BS Derek.

a. S Shop put 5p on badges from 16/1/23

b. Emailed what are HQ and County capitations. HQ £36.00 – 50p if paid before 24/3/23 County £11.00.

c. Everything else is “Tickety Boo”.

DAIT Neil.

a. Is available to set people up with a NT email  and help with any IT problems.

b. Produced a list of people not using their ntemail as if it is not being used the County Mike Leigh will delete it as County have to pay for the address.

DC Andy.

a. The Leaders & ADC’s meeting was well attended

b. 2/1 hurst very short on Beavers.

c. Compass has to be updated before March 24 including emails for when compass finishes and will be transferred to a new system, hopefully.

DESC Alex.

a. The next Young Leaders camp is 10 to 12/2/23.

b. We now have a Youth Commissioner Gerrad Hamond from 2/1.

Note Alex did you sort out the contracts between the Explorer units and their Groups from last mins?  


a. Alex looking for one.

 FireCamp. Alan.

a. Stopped at the moment, community pay should be starting at end of month, still need more plannings from Tameside and a digger to move and level bottom of site. Got a great new site office and a chemie loo. Will let people know when the works starts again the aim to get the site open for summer. Camp sub-committee have asked for a web cctv camera to monitor the site as more equipment moves onto the site £195.00 plus approx £10/month to monitor. PRaTTS to loan FC the money. 

LTM and NoTTS ? Temp Ken M.

a. No report.

b.A/C ? to follow after 6d

(We need a LTM (Local Training Manager) to run and allocate TA’s. We need lots of TA’s (Training Advisors) with Mod 25 to help Leaders through their training. Ask Alan or Ken M.)

PRaTTS. Alan. 

 (We need more PRaTTS (Public Relations and Trailer Team Scouts) to help recruit people in the PR trailer at events and on the CWT (Climbing Wall Team) to be harness fitters, wall operators and sadly sometimes, rescuers. It includes brews and sometimes cakes. Ask Alan.) 

a. No bookings for PR trailer as winter, climbing wall is closed due to technical paperwork problems, Andy and Ken S are resolving them.

b. All 6 trailers will be stored on FireCamp. 

RtoC Alan.

a. No meeting yet. 

SASM. Alan.

(Looking for SAS members for events like St G Parade our next big event, help Groups when leaders off , badge training, events supporting PRaTTS and NoTTS, district camps and competitions. Ask Alan.)


SASSY. Alan.

a. Sassy meal after Dist Ex tonight.

YC. Youth Commissioner 

a. Gerard Hammond

9. Safety.

a. Be safe out there check your RA’s and permits and training. Read your Leadership emails from HQ to keep up to date.

b. NTR.

10. AOB.

Most people in Scouting are recruited by you talking to them. We need a DCP (District Chair Person), DT (District Treasurer), DS (District Sec), LTM (Local Training Manager), TA (lots of training Advisors), YC (Youth Commissioner) under 18 and in most Groups we need Leaders and supporters in all sections, GC (Group Chairs) GT (Group Treas), GS(Group Sec) GPT (Group Parent Trustees) and (Leaders in all sections). Keep talking to everyone if anyone shows signs, let Alan know.

a. NTR.

DoNM. 15/3/23 Happy new year. Mine has not started off well.

Dates see Tamesider.