Hi Leaders and Supporters,
Well summer is coming to an end and we have not had much sun and even worse, we haven’t had a camp at FireCamp, still waiting for a lease after we were stopped using the camp site.
If you are a Member of Scouts I hope you are keeping uptodate with all the Transformation Project eg Groups need to adopt the POR constitution by the end of September and all records transferred before Compass is turned off Feb 2024, you need to check your compass records, https://compass.scouts.org.uk/login/user/login are correct and if a Scout Member you have a firstname.secondname@ntscouts.org.uk. If you are not a Scout Member you do not need to do this, but please carry on supporting Scouts in the ways you do now but have a little think about joining Scouts as there are many differing roles from helping PRaTTS (Public Relations and Trailers Team Scouts) brewing up or in the PR Trailer or at the Climbing Wall at events, or even better be a Leader in Scouting. If you need any help about the Transformation Project contact neil.gorton@gmescouts.org.uk. If you need any information about being a Scout Member contact alan.fish@ntscouts.org.uk.
Hope you have recovered from your camps and time off from Scouts, but are getting ready to start back in Sept helping our young people in Scouting. Remember you need to enjoy your role in Scouting so that reflects on our young people.
The PRaTTS day at HurstFest went well in between the showers and sunshine with the help of Steve and Mureen from 2/1 Hurst we chatted to 6 new recruits. Everyone knows Scouts motto ‘Be Prepared’ as other stall holders always come to the PRaTTS trailer for help this time it was, have you any tape yes, do you know how to put this gazebo down no but did eventually yes, can you tow the ice cream van out of the mud yes, have you a kettle lead no, but what was the worst cardinal sin, I forgot the kettle and brewing gear it was in the site cabin at Fire Camp luckerly HurstFest had brew your own in the youth club which saved the day.
News on Alan’s Drive-thru and Pigeon Loft, they started to clear out and put the roof scaffolding in the correct place, inside the shop. Then removed the scaffolding that was put in the wrong place. Did you know for someone qualified to draw a scaffolding design costs £2600.00 eg draw a picture on a piece of paper and then to put it up was £15,000.00 plus £640.00 a week, it has been there 7 months you do the maths as I don’t want to know!!! Then 6 days later they left due to a problem with the insured value of the shop. At the first crash it was insured at £300,000.00 but at the second crash 4 months later it had jumped in value to £400,000.00. That then took 3 weeks and a few more heart attacks to sort out. They have now eventually agreed the first value is correct and the builder can come back, but he is now on another job. The 4 month job is now waiting for a restart, so my Christmas present of a new shop is now not going to happen this year but hopefully ready for next Christmas. I would recommend you get your HQ’s revalued plus the contents.
Dates for you.
Get your event dates on www.ntscouts.org.uk website calendar email mark.fish@ntscouts.org.uk.
1/9/23 16.00-20.00 SASSY Ashton Market Sq Food, Drinks and events.
4/9/23 19.30-21.00 County Trustee Board (Ex) Zoom.
6/9/23 19.00-20.30 FoKGVPF meeting.
12/9/23 19.00-21.00 RPC litter pick and pool competition any age.
13/9/23 19.30-20.30 ADC/GSL meeting.
21/9/23 14.00-16.30 Alzheimer’s day see poster
Not got Tameside’s Leaders briefing yet.–
Yours Alan,