Good news, got a Christmas present for FireCamp (FC), the Portaloo has landed. Had a quick test not for long the seat was freezing I did grin and bear it, well actually I didn’t grin or bear it. I am still looking for FireCamp Service Crew (FCSC) to help out modonise out site office over the winter as bit to cold to carry on with the carpark. Looking for FCSC who are joiners, plumbers, electricans, gas fitters and most importantly Brewer uppers. As we are taking a wall and sink out, moving some electrics and plumbing. Add it onto your to do list next year and let me know, thanks.
All information is going on our website as the best place to find out what is happening or happened in NTScouts eg, any news, information or dates you have send them tp and he can add it to our brilliant website for everyone to use, don’t ask me as I am a 1 finger OMNIT (Old Man No Info Tech)
Dave Bancroft an Scout form years ago at 1st Ashton and 2/1 Hurst whose mum Kathleen Bancroft did a lot of supporting and raising funds for Scouts, He was going through some old photos from 1st and 2/1 found a Wedding photo of a gorgeous young man and his wife Wyn, my wonderful bride and her Cubs guard of honour back in 11/3/78 those cubs will be over 40 years old now. At the moment we have names going clockwise Keith Blodwell, ?, Nick Taylor, ?, Dave Bancroft, Me, Wyn, ?, ?, Neil Dunclaf, ?, Steve Longley, if you recognise any one else let them know. If you have any old photos of North Tameside or Ashton or Droylsden Districts our arckives man is Dean Carroll or 07745128757 and he collects them, he has a bedroom stacked of photos and mins of meetings from years ago. 07973324431 is our District Admin Info Tech (DAIT) for those who are not on the NTemail group. Contact Neil to get a NTemail, give him you name and your private email and he will send you a link to set up your NTemail. Once you have that go to your compass details at and register your details and fill in the other sections listed, I think this has to be completed before April 2023 when it is all going to change. I would recomend everyone while twidling your fingers over Christmas twidel your keys on your phone or laptop to get your records upto date on campass.
Well it’s Christmas week this week, back to normal next week, that’s if there is a ‘normal’ week any more. So Happy Christmas to you all and the week after will be a new year 2023 and it all starts again. In Scouting there are going to be some changes, compass is going, more training to do. For Leaders Andy will keep you informed and a reminder for Occasional Helpers in NT you need to have Safety and Safe Guarding it is online at click Section Assistant and do Safeguarding 45mins and Safety 45mins, then show your certificates to your Leader. If you are realy keene have ago at Module 1 which gives you an idea all about Scouting. Supporters, are trustees who are the people on the Group Excutive and are responseable for the Scout Group, eg, POR (Policy Organization and Rules, you don’t need to know it, just that it is there if there is a problem, you can ask me or look it up in POR) buildings, finances, safety, safeguarding and so on I will keep you all in formed of the changes.
Finally Happy Christmas to you all and let next year be a good one for a change.
Yours Alan DAFT.