Hi Supporters and Leaders,

Well it was bombshell week at FireCamp our draft lease was set up by the 4th leese person Justin which was great, now he has left. I have met the new guy Alex and he dropped the bombshell he wants ;- 

1. The agreements, I have had a few over the last 5 years and our insurance, which is no problem

2. All the DBS’s of all the Leaders that use the site, which is a problem as each would have to agree due to GDPR.

3. All future proposals no problem, probably a proper toilet.

4. Remove my personal signs, I wasn’t sure what he meant it was the cctv signs A Fish is watching you. They have to be there to comply with cctv regulations and GDPR so that anyone can request cctv footage. Plus it must not record kids?

5. We have to install a privacy screen so no one can see the kids on site. The only people that could see them are fire staff and would have to be 7m high as when kids go on the 7m climbing wall they could be seen.         

6. We have to use a new in and out plan on the car park which we already do.

We therefore can’t use the site until a lease has been signed. This started in 2018 so it took 5 years to get them to start a lease so it’s going to be a few months/years. Another thing to note, GMFRS have sub-contracted their lease work to Salford council ! The only good news for me is I can have a few w/e’s off for a rest as a 73 year old man.

Summer has arrived I think, so you should be doing lots of camping and outdoor activities, sadly not at FireCamp. You must remember you have done your training and got permits to go out doors plus told your GSL and DC and need all the contact details and health forms for everyone, obviously locked up in a safe to comply with GDPR. Then a load of risk assessments of all the activities you will be doing, I haven’t seen one for going to the toilet yet but I bet there are some.

The Mayor at our agm asked me to forward to you her gratitude and thanks for all the great work you do for the young people in Tameside so THANKS.

We had a great time in the sunshine and showers at the Oxford Park open day and Scout recruitment last Sunday and got a big donation for the climbing wall. Sadly if we don’t get more support on the PRaTTS and CWT (Climbing Wall Team) we will not be able to use it as only 5 turned up and we need 8. Putting harnesses on over a hundred kids doesn’t help your aching backs.

Remember to use www.ntscouts.org.uk for your dates and events as I know lots of great things are happening out there and I need to know so I can get it in the press.


15/8/23 FoKGVPF The Balloon man on the outdoor stage 11.30 and 14.30 all tickets have gone but you can still watch without a ticket. Georgie Porgies cafe and toilets will be open.   

21/8/23 Neighbourhood Watch meeting for King Georges and surrounding streets 19.00 at Georgie Porgies.

11/9/23 SASSY event on Ashton Market 16.00 to 20.00 bit like the Stalybridge food and events fest. 

13.9.23 ADC/GSL meeting 19.00

20/9/23 Trustee Board (Dist Ex) 19.00 2 Clarence Rd 

20/9/23 SASSY meal out 20.15 Unknown restaurant/pub.

Next year is 50 years of North Tameside and there will be a week-long camp of celebrations on NT for everyone involved. 3-10/8/24 Bibbys Farm Chorley PR6 9DL–

Yours Alan,