Hi Leaders and Supporters 

We are having a gate opening ceromony for FireCamp on Tue 27/9/22 18.00 as the starting point of this great project, come along and see the site and I will be explianing what our plans are for it. We are also looking for service crew members to help us set up the campsite and help with the running of the campsite when it opens. If you are intrested about FireCamp and our partnership with GMFRS Dan Wade chat to me or call in on Sunday 25/9/22 10.00 onwards. We are having a tree chopping and clearing vegitation day with some small fires. A couple of men who I can’t name, have already cleared the carpark in a day with ther massive lawn mower, thanks very much guys. The lawn mower couldn’t do the few trees and some bits, so have been left for us to do on Sunday. The next phase is old tramac for the carpark and a loo. Hope to see you there.

Following receiving my £500.00 grant from Action Together for our SASSY do for Volunteers Celebration do and Recruitment Night it is now booked Sat 26/11/22 19.00 to 23.00ish at www.hurstcommunitycentre.org.uk. Please use the left hand Bar entrance as the hall is booked for a wedding do. You and your partners are invited and ask your friends if they might want to join up, there are jobs and supporters even if they don’t want to get involved with kids, like chairs, treas, secs, trustees, fund raisers, cleaners, maintenance, brewer uppers and the list goes on and on. If they do like kids they could be a leader in Squrrels 4to6, Beavers 6to8, Cubs 8to10.5, Scouts 10.5to14, Explorers 14to18, or SAS (Suport Active Scouting) 18 upward, to come along for the buffet which is free till it runs out, sadly the bar is not but the drinks are cheap. Could GSLs or their nominee where their neckercheif Please could you let me know if you are coming at alan.fish@ntscouts.org.uk thanks.

Panto tickets are out for Peter Panto which some of our Scouts and Leaders are involved in on 5th to 10th December and they are great pantos, oh no they aren’t, oh yes they are, check out www.ticketsource.co.uk/hurstcommunitycentre for Scout Group bookings contact centreplayers@hurstcommunitycentre.org.uk for your Scout Groups discount.

Don’t forget your training and email needs to be upto date as compass is going so make sure it is correct before the transfer. To get to your Compass details goto https://compass.scouts.org.uk/login/user/login enter your details if you have never used it press Register and fill in the boxes when that is done you can check your records. It has your Personal details, Roles, Permits, Training, Awards, Emergency Details, Communications this is the one you tick for what you want to receive or not, Visiblility is who you want to see your details. I am an OMNIT, and I managed to do it, you need to do it before the end of the year when it will soon be Christmas.

Yours Alan OMNIT (Old Man No Info Tech)

SASSY(Support Active Scouting Socially for Yonks which are events for Leaders and Supporters and their partners)

From Ged below;-

Mental heath affects everyone in different ways we can be affected by emails like these, some people think its great and helps them, some people think what a load of rubbish and get deppresed especially at 3.00am in the morning when they receive them. I know none of you would think that  🤔. If you have any friends who need help, let them have the details below. You could take up suicide awareness training if you want to help them to avoid those sort of feelings, and sadly young people do commit suicide.

At the bottom of the Energy Bill Relief Scheme is help for you Cost of Living Support eg if you get attendance allowance you will get £150 and Local Cost of Living Support, gives lots of support.

Artisan Markets are back in Stalybridge.        

From:               Cllr Gerald P Cooney, Executive Leader Tameside Council

Date:                23 September 2022

Paying final respects to the Queen

I’m sure many of you had your own quiet moments of reflection last Monday as billions of people around the world watched the Queen’s funeral and paid their final respects. The Civic Mayor Cllr Mike Glover, Chief Executive Sandra Stewart and myself were joined by members of the Council outside Dukinfield Town Hall for the national two minute silence just before noon in tribute to Her Majesty.

Please note our books of condolence are now closed and all services, including events, are back to running as normal. Thank you to everyone who worked hard behind the scenes to ensure Tameside paid a fitting farewell to our Queen and thanks goes to those who continued to support essential services over the Bank Holiday.

Sharing messages of hope for mental health and wellbeing

We’ve been working with local partners to organise activities as part of Greater Manchester Month of Hope, which is running from World Suicide Prevention Day on 10 September 2022 until World Mental Health Day on 10 October 2022. People are invited to join a Tameside Walk of Hope at Stamford Park on Monday 10 October 4-7pm. They are also being encouraged to share messages of hope – highlighting how they look after their own mental health – on social media using the hashtag #TamesideRaysofHope as well as taking the Zero Suicide Alliance free Suicide Awareness Training. Mental health and wellbeing is something that affects us all. This is an opportunity to come together, talk about our experiences of mental health and wellbeing, remember those we have lost to suicide, and to share messages of hope for the future. For details of local services to support mental health and wellbeing click here, Pictured in Cllr Eleanor Wills sharing her own message of hope.

New Drop and Collect Post Office opens in Stalybridge

A new lighter format of the Post Office is coming to Stalybridge. Drop and Collect is a new, lighter branch format offering convenient access for customers to bill payments and prepaid parcel collections and returns. To maximise accessibility to these services that our customers are increasingly seeking, more complex services like personal and business banking will not be available at this branch.

This new Post Office Branch opens at 1pm on Tuesday 27 September and is located within Mottram Rise News and Wines, 411 Mottram Road, Matley, Stalybridge, SK15 2SX. Find out opening hours and more information here.  

Energy Bill Relief Scheme

This week, plans were announced to support businesses with the rising energy costs. It will apply to energy usage from 1 October 2022 to 31 March 2023, running for an initial six-month period for all non-domestic energy users. The government will publish a review into the operation of the scheme in three months to inform decisions on future support after March 2023.

Customers do not need to take action or apply to the scheme to access the support. Support (in the form of a p/kWh discount) will automatically be applied to bills.

The scheme will be available to everyone on a non-domestic contract including:

·       businesses

·       voluntary sector organisations, such as charities

·       public sector organisations such as schools, hospitals and care homes

·       who are:

·       on existing fixed price contracts that were agreed on or after 1 April 2022

·       signing new fixed price contracts

·       on deemed / out of contract or variable tariffs

·       on flexible purchase or similar contracts

For those not connected to either the gas or electricity grid, equivalent support will also be provided for non-domestic consumers who use heating oil or alternative fuels instead of gas. Further detail on this will be announced shortly.


Cost of Living support:

Local Cost of Living Support:


Story Makers returns

Parents and carers of pre-school children will be happy to learn the highly popular Story Makers sessions are coming back thanks to funding from Community Safety.

Story Makers is weekly interactive storytelling activities for the under-fours and their families which fit in with our Tameside Loves Reading campaign. This time the focus is on mindfulness and good mental health.

As in previous years, families who attend will have the opportunity to work with writer Caryl Hart and illustrator Andy Rowland to create a picture book, and they’ll receive a free copy at the end of the project.

Interactive sessions with Simon the Storyteller started this week on Tuesday, 20 September, and will take place at Hyde, Mossley and Stalybridge libraries as well as on Zoom. For more information email book.start@tameside.gov.uk I have also attached the below poster you can share through your channels and networks.

Artisan markets to be held in Stalybridge Civic Hall

Three Artisan markets are to be held in Stalybridge Civic Hall. The first event will be tomorrow (Saturday 24 September 2022) 10am to 4pm with the following events being on 29 October and 26 November respectively (the last Saturday of the month). The events are being delivered by The Market Co – the company that also brings the town’s very successful monthly Street Fest event. They support our wider Town of Culture programme and other ongoing work on the Stalybridge Heritage Action Zone (HAZ) to help restore the town’s historic character and encourage people to spend more time in the heart of the town. There will be over 40 artisan stall holders, many of them local to Stalybridge and Tameside, offering a mix of food, drinks, crafts, art, design as well as hot street food. There will also be musical entertainment.

Have a good weekend.


Councillor Gerald P. Cooney

Executive Leader