Hi Leaders and Supporters,
I have been working in my new drive through shop digging through the rubble finding things that are not damaged. It is going to be a long time, hopefully 6 months, before I can close my drive through shop and open my ebay enclosed shop with big bollards around it.
We are on the look out for an Deputy Chair and Deputy Treasurer to takeover when Alan and Noreen leave plus a District Secretary, otherwise poor Andy will have to add the 3 extra roles to his job.
For the horse racing gamblers 3rd Ashton are having their annual Race Night at Ashton Cricket Club Sat 11/3/23 7.00 tickets £5.00 and £3.00 contact tina.howarth@ntscouts.org.uk or 07411773336.
The Scouts will be keeping their Leaders awake this w/e at the One Adventure activity centre doing loads of activities.
The Cubs 5aside Sat 4/2/23 13.00 to 15.00 Droylsden Academy, contact michael.frankish@ntscouts.org.uk or 07825004723.
Helping Hands for cash help, enerngy advice, health and job support call in at St Gabriels Church 10 Audley St Ashton OL6 6RB Mon 30/1/23 10.00 to 12.00.
Good news for foster children when they reach 18 the council confirmed they will carry on with the Staying Put Programme.
Lets hope the £2million awarded to Tameside, that some comes to Ashton centre and www.fokgvpf.co.uk which I chair. If any of you fancy volunteering in the park, working in the Georgie Porgies cafe, the Bees, the orchard and trees, the rubbish pool club and soon to come Park Watch for residents around the park if you would like to help contact alan.fish.161te@gmail.com or 07931765120.
Avoid getting distracted in your car, get home safe see the list in the Mindless Moments videos.
Have a look at Armchair Adventures for 6 to 10s during half-term sign up and have a look at S/B Civic Hall Sat 18/2/23.
If you need a bike cheap call in at Hyde for a re-cycled one, if you have a bike to get rid of as not used or to small, take it with you to donate to Manchester Bike Kitchen below, THIS Sunday 29/1/23 10 to 4pm.
Yours Alan Chair NTDSC.