1. Present.

a. Alan, Neil, Harry, Andy, Ken, Noreen, Alex.

2. Appols.

a. Wyn, Tracey, Derek,

3. Last mins.


4. Matters arising will also come up in sections.

6c. Alan still having problems with Barclays Checks, Alan has pinsentry and Auth card plus debit card which we can’t have on our dual sig a/cs, Noreen has a pinsentry and auth card and a debit card, Ken has pinsentry, no auth card but has 2 debit cards, Andy has to contact bank for his pinsentry and auth card. Alan will write to bank to sort it all out.

5a. The incorrect Charity name NTDSC T/L2391 Alan has changed back to NTDSC no 503573 with the Charity Commissioners.

 5. Chair Alan. Retiring.

a. We are still looking for an Assistant Chair, Secretary, Assistant Treasurer, Local Training Manager, Alex is looking for a District Network Scout Commissioner and a Youth Commissioner for the Dist Ex. WE are always looking for Leaders and Supporters for all our groups.

b. Remind everyone about our Volunteer Celebration and Recruitment night for anyone interested in joining Scouting, 26/11/22 7.00 at Hurst Com Centre. Note Neil Gorton DCCSpecialDuties is now not presenting some training about the changes coming in 2023 as HQ are not ready yet !!!

c. Very good turn out at the various cenotaphs for Remembrance services.

d. We are using our www.ntscouts.org.uk and facebook sites for all news and events on the calendar contact mark.fish@ntscouts.org.uk

6. Treas Noreen. Retiring.

a. Balance standing at £9996.03 in the various a/cs.

b. Wyn is paying various a/cs as we don’t have internet banking Noreen has paid Wyn 2 cheques for £1052.50 and £1681.21 for various Scout a/c’s and they will be reconciled when a/cs are online again.

c. Need to find out what 2 payments are £346.82 12/5 and £400 5/10.  

7. Sec ?Need a DS (District Secretary) 

a. Apply to Alan, job description, meet every 2 months, write the mins, email them out within a week, email them out again a week before the next meeting. Conditions, 4hrs per 2 months, holidays when you want as long as they are not on a meeting night, free cups of tea plus cake or biscuits, wages twice the price of others.

8. Sections.

AC Ken M.

a. The next Appointment meeting is on Sunday 11/12/22 10.00 to 1.00pm at Kens. The newies attending should have completed their Getting Started Training www.gmescouts.org.uk/training1 

BS Derek.

a. A further 70 QE II Memorial Badges were ordered bringing the total for the District to 220 all proceeds going to the Scout Asso. Everything else is “Tickety Boo”.

DC Andy.

a. All Leaders have completed their Safety and Safeguarding training, the next round of chasing up training is going to be First Aid.

b. Thanks to all GSLs and others in getting everyone to complete their training.

c.  We eve…n had for the first time Squirrels attending with other Scouts at our Remembrance parades.

d. All Groups reported at the last GSL & ADCs they were ok but still need more Leaders and Supporters.

DESC Alex.

a. There are 44 Explorers in the district.

b. We are reviewing the agreements between the District and the Explorer Units.

c. On the lookout for a DNSC and a YC.

d. WE have a Youth Forum.

e. The next Young Leaders camp is 10 to 12/2/23.


a. Alex looking for one.

 FireCamp. Alan.

a. Moving along slowly due to Com Pay not coming to site till the New Year, but great thanks to the few that turned up moving planings around the site and trimming trees. Purchased a portaloo should be arriving soon. The £2200,00 grant has £456.35 mainly due to getting the loo half the price of the budget. Therefore getting

a camp first aid kit and toiletries for the loo and what’s left will go to the costs of emptying the loo.

LTM and NoTTS ? Temp Ken M.

(We need a LTM (Local Training Manager) to run and allocate TA’s. We need lots of TA’s (Training Advisors) with Mod 25 to help Leaders through their training. Ask Alan or Ken M.)

a. NTR.

PRaTTS. Alan. 

 (We need more PRaTTS (Public Relations and Trailer Team Scouts) to help recruit people in the PR trailer at events and on the CWT (Climbing Wall Team) to be harness fitters, wall operators and sadly sometimes, rescuers. It includes brews and sometimes cakes. Ask Alan.) 

a. No bookings for PR trailer as winter, climbing wall is still open for section nights by giving Alan £25 dependant on Risk Assessment on weather.

b. All 6 trailers will be stored on FireCamp. 

RtoC Alan.

a. Missed meeting bad head went to bed will let DE know what happened when get mins.

SASIT. Neil Duncalf.

a. Neil Duncalf from 2/1 Hurst and Ashton Venture Unit and now an occasional helper at 6th has agreed to be our SAS Info Tech. Alan nominated him and the meeting agreed. His role it to set up ntemails and help with any IT problems and has had many years in Scouting and IT..

SASM. Alan.

(Lookii ng for SAS members for events like St G Parade, help Groups when leaders off , badge training, events supporting PRaTTS and NoTTS, district camps and competitions. Ask Alan.)


SASSY. Alan.

a. Had 1 SASSY meal after the working w/e at FireCamp at Jade Garden. Next SASSY do is on 26/11/22 at www.Hurstcommunitycentre.org.uk

YC. ?

We need a (Youth Commissioner) under 18

a. Alex looking for one.

9. Safety.

a. Be safe out there check your RA’s, eg outside lights working.

b. NTR.

10. AOB.

Most people in Scouting are recruited by you talking to them. We need a DCP (District Chair Person), DT (District Treasurer), DS (District Sec), LTM (Local Training Manager), TA (lots of training Advisors), YC (Youth Commissioner) under 18 and in most Groups we need Leaders and supporters in all sections, GC (Group Chairs) GT (Group Treas), GS(Group Sec) GPT (Group Parent Trustees) and (Leaders in all sections). Keep talking to everyone if anyone shows signs, let Alan know.

a. NTR.

DoNM. 18/1/23 Happy Christmas and a happy new year.

Dates see Tamesider.