Hi Leaders and Supporters,
Remember my last week’s Shop good news, well it changed to bad news. As the new bricks delivered were metric, not imperial eg old, so they had to go back and the correct bricks came on Thur. Now waiting for the bricki to return, I am told Tuesday!
Don’t forget clock changes on 29/10/23 and 3rd Ashton are having a Rock and Roll Juke Box Show 13.00 – 15.00 to raise funds to keep their HQ St James Church open £5 and £3 kids contact Tina Howarth GSL 07411773336.
Had an online meeting last Thursday with HQ plus lots of others around Britain. Changes are happening about emails, compass, safeguarding so if your are a leader you must have a ntemail to be kept up to date of all the changes happening now and into 2024. Supporters I will keep you updated with changes that may be relevant to your Support, and thanks for all your help.
It is getting panto time again oh no it isn’t, oh yes it is. This year at Hurst Com Centre it is Cinderella oh no it isn’t, oh yes it is. Scout bookings is at centreplayers@hurstcommunitycentre.org.uk for group bookings. It is on 3 to 9/12/23 2.00pm shows 3rd & 9th 19.00 shows 4th to 9th
If you are thinking of providing Squrrils for NT Scouts, go to the Baby Fair below to get the best help. Plus all the dates for the Remembrance weekend are below.
Dates are at www.ntscouts.org.uk click calendar
Hope you have a great week and remember be safe out there and safer with our young people in all sections of safe Scouting.
Yours Alan. NT Chair.