Hi Supporters and Leaders,
Christmas tree and decorations should be up by now, as there are only 17 days to go. I am not into Christmas cards at about £3 to £5 and a 2nd class stamp at 75p but as you need it to come before Christmas a 1st class stamp is a staggering £1.25. Just donate the money to one of your charities or PRaTTS for Scouts, I can send you the bank details.
Shop news, the builders have been told off, they have been here all week for once. They are nearly up to the roof, that they are now going to take the roof down, so they can check the beams and trusses. I did point out, it cost £360400.00 over the weekend and £630.00 a week hire since the second crash in January to hold it up and now they are looking at taking it down!!! Plus the support scaffolding was put up where the walls were so a new support scaffold was put up inside the shop and another scaffold was put up on the outside of the shop for the builder. I have not seen the bill for all that work yet.
VCSE. (Voluntary, Community & Social Enterprise) eg a Scout HQ or Community Centre, they are offering a free independent energy assessment, goto groundwork.org.uk/vcseenergyefficiency for all the info and after that they will help to obtain funding to carry out any upgrades that may be needed. It is funded by a package of over £100 million from the Government.
Christmas St Johns Brass Band. Tonight. At 3rd Ashton at St James Church with Christmas carol singing and refreshments £6 and £3, bring your singing voice and join in the feastivities.
CCBC. (Children’s Commissioner Big Survey) add it to your programme before Friday 15/12/23 to help the future by giving their ideas to the Children’s Commissioner Dame Rachel de Souza (don’t know which pantomime she is from in the Government) so she can pass the childrens ideas to the decision-makers in Government. https://www.childrenscommissioner.gov.uk/the-big-ambition/ is the link to give them.
Dates. Also check www.ntscouts.org.uk and go to the calendar.
8-9/12/23 19.00 – 21.30 Fri and Sat. Sat 14.00 – 17.30 Cinderella Panto at Hurst Community Centre.
8/12/23 19.00 – 21.00 3rd Brass band.
9/12/23 18.45 – 22.00 2/1 Christmas party at the Amanni.
12/12/23 19.00 -21.00 FoK no R yes PC ( Friends of King George the fifth Playing Fields no Rubbish to pick up as can’t see any yes for Pool Competitions)
From Wyn and I we wish you all a Happy Christmas and on behalf of NTScouts thanks to you all for your Support to Scouting over the years and hope you will carry on supporting us. Thank you.
Yours Alan and Wyn.