FireCamp new site cabin
Tameside used to send their Briefing out lunch time on a Friday but it’s getting later so my plan is to send out my briefing out during the week so can get dates and events so you can plan. I will still send the Tameside Briefing out when it comes. The good news is you could delete it but it does have a lot of good things in it and just click mine, or even worse you could delete both.
FireCamp is still going along slowly I am looking for a mini digger/ bulldozer to move a pile of dirt, as it is difficult to dig the dirt pile, whereas the old tarmac is easy to dig. It just needs moving across across the campsite, for a day preferably free or very cheap as we have spent up our first grant of £2200.00. If you know of anyone let me know so I can have a chat, I suppose I can’t say it’s only 2 hours.
More good news, a Scout who was from our district, Jonathan Carter, on seeing my 40 year old site cabin said I have a trailer treatment center which was used for covid injections. It does have a little leak in the corner of the roof, I answered, my site cabin doesn’t have a leaky roof but basically it is a ‘shed’. He is donating it to FireCamp and it comes with a load of other stuff and it will be a great asset to FireCamp, on your behalf I have thanked Jonathan a lot of times for his donation. Thanks, Thanks, and so on. see picture below.
Bit of not so good news: the truck broke down bringing the Portaloo, I can’t complain as he was doing it for Free. Carry on crossing your legs.
The Volunteer Celebration went well rearly 50 turned up on Saturday. It was a good night meeting up all together, to catch up. The buffet was great plus take home stuff. The remainder was left for Centre Players rehearsals on Sunday. Just a reminder oh no it isn’t, oh yes it is, Panto at the Centre 7th to12th December is Peter Panto tickets more info The and Recruitment night didn’t do well as we only got 1 volunteer.
As we are starting our journey to Christmas after getting over the Bonfires and fireworks I thought of this!AizgIKa-X7zSl0E9tZgz_9FiBwM8
Check free SASSY do in the following email, only because I don’t know how to add it on here.
Also Tameside Leaders briefing is following.