Hi Leaders and Supporters,
Shop Report While at 2/1 Christmas do on Saturday night I got a call that the shop had fallen down. I left, to find all the wooden hoardings were in the road due the lashing down rains and the gale force winds. I am hoping that is my third and last disaster for this year. I am not sure, does that mean in new year I start again with another 3 disaster as things come in 3s !?!?!? On the bright side, there have been six builders on site every day over the last two weeks and the walls have shot up. We are two course’s of brickwork from the roof, should be up there on Monday. Then starts the next big job the roof coming off and of course with my luck it will be bizzards of snow the first disaster of my new year.
Your Scout HQ needs looking after over the winter period Scouts have come up with a list of things that makes your HQ safer to cope with the winter so you don’t have disasters lik me see https://scouts-news.org.uk/31ME-1FSA7-6PX5AD-Z2KOU-1/c.aspx This has loads of info and help for you, probably way over the top but could save your group buckets of money or you will needs loads of buckets to collect the water pouring out of all your bursts. Easy tip turn the water off while your HQ is closed, unless you leave your water central heating on during the frostievweather. Finally check your insurance for your HQ is in date and covers frost protection. One point to remember your insurers will be on to you if you miss a payment but as I have found out insurance companies don’t like giving any of that money back to you. Simple things like no lagging on pipes means you haven’t taken reasonable precautions so no payout. The next thing they use is you are underinsured therefore only a partial payout. The insurance loss ajuster tried to reduce the claim but luckily for me, I had it all covered.
Volunteers we need loads of them so when you send your Christmas cards out or Christmas emails or moon pigs just add a little note, would you like to help at Scouts.
Dates not many except you will be at loads of your own Christmas and New Year parties.
16/12/23 ASAP getting presents and cards
24/12/23 Christmas eve parties and midnight religious services
25/12/23 Christmas presents and dinner
31/12/23 New Years Eve parties
1/1/24 Recovering in bed then ready for a great New Year
Sadly some of you out there may not be doing those things above for many different reasons, I have attached a list of services below if you are not having a happy time. There is help out there and if that fails you have got me to chat to to try to put everything right. I am not a Samaritan but I will try my best for members of our Scouting family to help you as long it is not about cooking Christmas dinners. For Free Christmas takeaways goto https://www.activetameside.com/the-great-christmas-takeaway/ or email christmastakeaway@activetameside.com and also https://www.tameside.gov.uk/tamesideMBC/media/PublicHealth/Food-projects-in-Tameside/
Happy Christmas and New Year to you all and I hope you get all your wishes from Farther Christmas either as a present or happiness that’s if you sent him your letter.
All the best yours Wyn and Alan.
Yours Alan,
Alan Fish. DAFT Volunteer.
(District Advisor For Tameside)
Mobile 07931765120 Office 0161 339 5901