Hi Leaders and Supporters

Shop News. Well there isn’t any as nothing has happened, other than me complaining to the bosses and another 2 weeks lost.

Yellow card 18. Do not trivialise concerns or abuse. Trivialise means, downplay, minimise, understate, to make something seem less important than it really is, eg a pinch on the bum. 

If you haven’t got a yellow card down load https://prod-cms.scouts.org.uk/media/xzwf1d5j/103800-yellow-card_january-2024-version-8-16-nov-web-1.pdf If you have a tellow card great, but just check it is the newest version 8 1st January 2024. Thanks. 

Safety and Safeguarding. This should be at the Top of this briefing as this is the most important one for you. You all should know by now all the things you need to have Training, Yellow card, DBS, Permits to do many activities, DC permission to go outside somewhere, and hundreds of Risk Assessments. If you haven’t got all these then don’t take any young people anywhere. Remember the Three Second Rules, Alone With Scouts, Is It Safe, you can make the rest up yourself. Check with your GSL, ADC’s or DC to make sure it is ok for you to do Scouting with young people.

District Roles Still Available. You can do some of these while retaining your group roles. District Minutes Secretary, Training Manager? Training Advisors, we are also looking for Trustees for the new Trustee Board at the AGM 10/7/24. We always need more Leaders, Supporters and Trustees for our 9 Scout Groups, ask around as it is volunteering week this week.

PRaTTS. To recruit people into your Scout Group. It involves chatting, drinking tea and sometimes cake in our Scout Trailer. But now and again we get interrupted by Joe Public wanting to join Scouts.  

29/6/24 11.00 – 14.30 Holden Clough School Ashton open day.

4/8/24    2.00 – 16.00  St Peters Oxford Park Ashton fun day.

7/8/24   16.00 – 19.00 Ashton Pioneer Homes open day

22/8/24  11.00 – 15.00 Curzon Ashton Festival at Cedar Park.

SASSY. (Support Active Scouting Socially for Yonks) This is our social events for you, your partners and your kids. Not done any for a while due to many reasons so starting with this event.

14/6/24 17.00 – 21.00 Armentieres Square Stalybridge Food from around the world and drinks stalls, live music, puppet theatre, dancers etc. Might see you there in the crowds that are usually there. It is every second Friday of the month.   

15/6/23 12.00 – 17.00 Tameside Pride Cheethams Park lots of stalls, big stage for shows Scouts are there. 

22/6/24  11.00 – 15.00 Ashton town centre family events, street performers, local food stalls, live music and shows, fun for all ages. Every 

50th Anniversary NT Camp. Leaders wanting to attend not attached to a group need to contact Micheal ADCC, Heather ADCS or Andy DC otherwise no food, camping, neckerchief or activities. 

Press News. I have started doing press releases again, send any Scouts news from your groups and a picture to me to pass on to the reporters and Ken Marks for the Tamesider. See St George Parade in About Tameside above. 

Dates. Check out www.ntscouts.org.uk Calander.

Have a great weekend.

Alan Fish. DAFT Volunteer.