Hi NT Scouts

Earlier in the week, Alan contacted me to let me know he would be expecting a speech from me at the AGM on Wednesday, I prepared one. However, the football was calling and Harry efficiently swerved it on my behalf, declaring  I had a sore throat, however as I had written it, I’ve decided to share it with you via Alan’s Friday briefing.

I am honoured to have been asked to serve as the Chair of North Tameside Scouts, I was approached about 10 years ago but the time wasn’t right as Stephen and I had just commenced our adoption journey and I had conflict of interest with my role at the Council. I did however say, when this changes ask again. Ten years on and our family is complete with Mason (11) Scout and Hannah (6) Beaver Scout. Then at Easter last year at the end of adoption leave for Hannah I decided to leave Tameside and forge a new career path, which is how Andy and Alan discovered I had moved from Tameside (Out of Office) and then as they delicately pointed out, I had no excuse not to accept!

As a former Venture Scout in South Tameside and the first female Queen’s Scout in the District I met the Queen Mum at Windsor which has been one of the major highlights of my life and that of my dad who is also a Queen’s Scout but didn’t get to go to Windsor himself.

Although not actively involved in Scouting for many years, I like to think that the strong bonds I held with the Scouts during the time I was at Tameside helped somewhat and once I started to shadow Alan for this role I quickly decided that the 1 hour a quarter asked of me would not be adequate and that I would need to commence leader training alongside the chairs role to fully understand the challenges and opportunities we face as a District and be of most service.

Since I started to learn the roles I have had the opportunity to meet many of you and your groups and already in a few short months I have started to feel that I have been here forever and that many of you are already firm friends. I have missed Scouting and can’t wait to meet everyone else, and help where I can.

I am aware I have big shoes to fill, and you will have to bare with me whilst I learn the ropes fully, Alan is a font of all knowledge and one of the few people you find who will help anyone with anything. In fact when I hit a full stop at the Council Alan was often my go to person – never once failing to find or offer a solution. He has however agreed to remain as a mentor and will be continuing to fulfil a very active Scouting role and I for one am very grateful and reassured by that.

Over the past few months I have also been very grateful to have Andy Morton close at hand to guide, advise and help generally whilst I get to know everyone and learn what’s needed. I certainly wouldn’t have made the progress I have without Andy and Tracey, we are so lucky to have an amazing District team and we need to build on that moving forwards.

I’m here to make a difference alongside you and if we can just go a small way to reduce the 100000 children and young people currently on Scouting waiting lists across the country it will be an achievement. Scouting is a fabulous movement and one which I am very proud that both I and my family are a part of.

The life skills that Scouting provides for our children and young people are invaluable and I’m excited to be joining the team at a time when we are building for the future of the District and celebrating our 50th anniversary.

One last thing ! – on Monday evening Mason and I will be walking to Scouts in order to raise funds for the District Camp, this is a 12 mile round trip for Mason and I from Hyde to One Adventure and back – if you haven’t yet sponsored us please do! I will be relying on Harry having a hot cup of tea ready for 7pm!

Give cash to me or Alan the old way or the new way bank transfer to Co-op bank NTDSC 08-92-99 658147500 use reference Walk. Thanks for your support to the 50 years Tameside Scouting Camp. Scouting did start in Ashton in 1907 a 117 years ago


Chair NTScouts