Hi Leaders


We had our AGM this week at One Adventure, a company run by some of our Scout Leaders, a great place for young and older people as they have lots of activities. The Mayor Cllr Tafheen Sharif had a go at axe throwing and didn’t kill anyone, have a look at www.one-adventure.co.uk for your Scouts or a party for you, there is a bar. We went through the new Transformation agm and I think we passed. The Mayor is now our president till 23/5/24 if you have any events or competitions you want the Mayor to attend, ideally let me know 2 months before so I can book her, so she can attend to see what young people in Scouting do or to judge the event for you and present cups, shields or certificates. New Trustee Board (Dist Ex) voted in and we are looking for a new Chair, Secretary and Treasurer, any ideas let me know. We had lots of reports and a/cs if you want a copy contact Andy. All sections are doing ok, Firecamp should be ready in about a couple of months, the climbing wall is now on the site ready for you to hire for your sections, we can’t do public events, contact One Adventure for those. We are always on the lookout for volunteers for all the sections and for PRaTTS (Public Relations and Trailer Team Scouts), the CWTS (Climbing Wall Team Scouts), FCSC (FireCamp Service Crew) for outdoor people and SAS (Support Active Scouting) part time people. Keep your eyes and ears open if you see someone looking interested or hear someone mention Scouts have a chat and give them my details, whatever they come up with I will find them a role usual conditions 2 hours a week except SAS, higher grade salary than me £0 x 5 = £0 usually you get free tea and sometime cake.

Climbing Wall. 

The permits have changed due to new rules coming into play, anyone with an old permit, even if it has not expired, will have to be reassessed P 1 & 2 by Ken.Sever@ntscouts 07914691666 and P 3 by alan.fish@ntscouts 07931765120. You can do this on any climbing event just let us know. The plan is for any section/group to use it, you will need a P 3 to set the wall up you don’t need to be a climber, P 2 rescue, you need to be a climber and preferably 4 x  P 1 to fit a harness to a climber and clip them onto the wall, you don’t need to be a climber for this permit. Then after your first hire and training we will reassess you all on your 2nd hire and you will be qualified for 3 years. To book the wall at the FireCamp contact alan.fish@ntscouts.org.uk 07931765120.


Moving along slowly I wondered if any of you could help out just for an hour or so as every little bit helps. We are up to the actual camp site clearing all the vegetation, trees have now gone so some holes to fill. The sports arena needs levelling and basketball nets need poles. The Site office needs gas water heater sorting and some bits of plumbing and a couple of leaks in the roof. The equipment trailer is for you to use to bring all your camping equipment to camp, needs welding mudguards back on and then sides fitting and lights. Plus if you don’t do manual work, you will need to bring a sick note, you can brew up.


Remember it is your responsibility to be safe looking after yourself and others, campsites are a dangerous place. Ours is full of holes to fall down, stumps for you to trip over, brambles to rip you to shreds, branches to poke you eyes out, burns from the kettle, to name just a few the general risk assessment is keep your eyes open and walk around the hazard and this covers all hazards. Read the site rules on the gate and in the site cabin if in doubt ASK someone who looks intelligent.      


Friends of King George the fifth Playing Fields have got an advice and sign up evening for Park and Home Watch on Monday 24/7/23 4.00 to 6.00 to reduce crime. Police will be there and Neighbourhood Watch, bike stamping, bike training for young and old, have a look around the bees and PRaTTS, you can come and recruit people into your group, the Mayor and some ward councillors will also be there. For more information check out www.ourwatch.org.uk and a must is www.beeintheloop.co.uk which is a great tool to help police to gather information from people or their cctv when an incident happened on your road.

Leaders Briefing following

Yours Alan,

Alan Fish. DAFT. Volunteer.

(District Advisor For Tameside)

Mobile 07931765120 Office 0161 339 5901