Hi Leaders and Supporters,
Another week gone and my shop hasn’t changed since all the scaffolding went up over the w/e 6,7,8/1/23 costing over £36,000.00. I am slowly digging through the rubble to see what equipment I can recover.
FireCamp back on this w/e 10.00 to 16.00 so if you fancy a bit of digging, filling, pushing a wheelbarrow, emptying, pushing, digging,filling and so on call down for an hour or so. A bit of good news, we are having a chat about a lease we should have had years ago next week, I have asked for a £5.00 year. A bit more good news, we now have cctv covering the site, so if I am not there I can still check if you are still working and not drinking tea, sat in a deck chair, see video attached.
You must know it’s that time of the year again, Capitations to pay. This year it’s £46.50/scout x 329 = £15298.50 for HQ and County. Our NT District’s capitations are £0 again. I don’t know of another District that has that. We raise our funds from PRaTTS with your help on the climbing wall and other trailers and eventually FireCamp. The money has to be in our a/c for the 17/3/23 as we have to pay the County on Monday, if you can’t make this date contact me and I will see what we can do otherwise you will have to pay 50p extra per Scout. If you need any further details on payment contact noreen.duncalf@ntscouts.org.uk our Treasurer.
Check our www.ntscouts.org.uk website calendar.
25,26/2/23 10.00to16.00 FireCamp
4,5/3/23 10.00to16.00 FireCamp
8/3/23 19.30 GSL’s and ADC’s with DC at 3rd Ashton.
11/3/23 19.00 Tina 3rd race night at Ashton Cricket club
15/3/23 19.00 Dist Ex at 2C.
15/3/23 20.15 SASSY meal at ?
Hope to see you at the events above. I will send the Tameside’s Briefing when it arrives.
Yours Alan.